In February 2018 the City of Clovis was awarded $50,000 from the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department to revise its comprehensive plan. The last plan was prepared in 2007. Consensus Planning was awarded the bid to complete the work and on December 13, 2018 the Clovis City Commission adopted the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Clovis.
The Comprehensive Plan is intended to guide and manage decision making related to the future growth, physical development, and capital expenditures of the City over a 20-year planning horizon. The plan addresses a wide range of planning elements, through goals and implementation strategies regarding land use, housing, economic development, infrastructure, water resources, transportation, public facilities, hazard mitigation, services and implementation.
A complete version of the Comprehensive Plan is available here. For more information, please contact Claire Burroughes (Assistant City Manager) at (575) 769-7828 (